28"x 18" x 7" Inches.
Steel and acrylic.
Donated to the foundation
"Les Impatients"
in 2019.
When I started my research, on the situation of the masses across the globe and our economic system, I got to a point where I was overwhelmed by all the injustice, corruption, revolutions, the state of the environment, ext. At the time I was working two jobs, one In service the other in education, studying full time, working on an architectural integration, going at all the gallery opening I could and still I had difficulty paying the rent with my flatmate every month.
« Nous vivons aujourd’hui aux crochets des générations futures et nous leur léguons une poubelle explosive très chère à entretenir, tout en les privant des moyens de vivre de leur travail »
— Paul Jorion, Le dernier qui s’en va éteint la lumière, Fayard, 2016
As my father said « At this point, you can jump the window right now » This was after a heated dissolution on the political and economic state of the world where he saw I had to distance myself. This changed my perspective on how I tackle my work. This is why I had to make this piece, since I had to look to the sky, the future, with an optimistic attitude. Because even if it could be really fun to watch the whole world burn, it might be even funnier trying to change it.